Monday Mingle with Mainline Mom!

It’s Monday Mingle time again! If you want to see what this is all about, head over to Eighty MPH Mom. This week’s questions:

1. What product (under $100) do you wish you could review on your blog because you honestly just love it to death.

2. If you were to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would it be and why?

3. What is your favorite feature about yourself? Worst?

Monday Mingle with Mainline Mom!

Thanks to One Cluttered Brain leaving a comment on my last video, today I stumbled across Monday Mingle!  It’s a vlog meme where Jen from Eighty MPH Mom posts three questions and every week lots of bloggers video and post their answers to the questions.  Fun! I really enjoy hopping around watching these videos and I hope you will too.  Today’s questions were:

1. What is the hardest *physical* thing you have ever done? (Giving birth, running a marathon, etc.)

2. What is one of the hardest things you have ever done emotionally? (Saying goodbye to a loved one, watching your babies grow up, etc.)

3. Name one thing from your bucket list – something you hope to achieve before you die.

And here are my answers! Enjoy…