Thank You Water Water Everywhere Readers

On this beautiful Saturday morning, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank my loyal and engaged readers here at Water Water Everywhere. I really love it when you leave various insightful comments and participate in good discussion, because I’m not just trying to talk at you, I want to grow our little community here so we can learn from each other. You may not know that my overall vision for this space is to encourage moms (and dads too sometimes!) to live in a more joyful, content, and intentional way rather than letting your days be filled with stress and hurry and anxiety. It breaks my heart to see moms wear themselves out with worry and busy-ness, because stress has become some kind of badge of honor for mothers.

As I mentioned recently, you can now find more of my style related writing over at All Things Chic, which launched this week with tons of giveaways and a pile of great posts. What I don’t think I’ve mentioned is that you will find more of my faith focused writing over at Seeds of Faith, a blog specifically for Christian women. I’ll be posting there the first Monday of each month. Both blogs have a wonderful community of women that I have really enjoyed getting to know.

Also did you know that there is a Water Water Everywhere Facebook page?  I’d love for you to “Like” it and join the discussion over there, which is a lot more than just these blog posts. That’d be cool. As always, I welcome any and all feedback, either here in the comments or on Facebook or you can always email me directly.

I love my readers!! Each and every one of you 🙂

Weekend of Blogger Goodness

As I approach the sixth anniversary of this blog (I know, can you believe it?!) I often find myself reflecting on how very much has changed in a seemingly short time. One of the awesome things that has changed is how connected “in real life” serious bloggers have become. No longer are we hidden behind our computer screens, we have meetups and bootcamps and conferences every week of the year to choose from. We relish the opportunity to meet and hug each other and talk blogging face to face. We work hard and invest our time and our own money sometimes to learn more, share what we’ve learned, and just support one another.

This weekend I had the chance to do that twice in one day. It was a busy Saturday, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. My awesome friend Stacey arranged to teach a free beginners class on blogging using the meeting room of our local library. She wisely promoted it via Facebook as a Blog ‘N Brunch where people brought their laptops and some food to share. My friend Kristi is relatively new to blogging with a great blog about her family’s journey of discovery in the world of food and other allergies. I mentioned the class to her and she jumped at it, so I came along to support both her and Stacey.

Almost twenty people arrived with tons of ideas and questions for Stacey and each other. I was able to help a woman who had no laptop or blogging experience at all by letting her look over my shoulder and showing her the various dashboards and resources Stacey covered. I even learned a few things along the way, and got some important reminders. Stacey did an excellent job.

Then Saturday evening I headed to my good friend Pam’s house for a dinner party for a few Houston bloggers and their spouses. It ended up being Pam and her husband, Ellie and her better half, Ron Mattocks and his lovely wife and Mike and I. Really really great mix of smart and funny people. With great food and libations, I might add. I left there smiling and looking forward to Mom 2.0 Summit in New Orleans when the four of us (Pam, Ellie, Ron and I) will be able to hang out again.

And that is what blogging and social media are really about…community. It’s as simple as that.