Rocking Out in the Chevy Traverse!

Remember last year when I got the super fun opportunity to drive a beautiful Diamond Edition Chevy Malibu around for a few weeks? If you’ve been reading here awhile I’m sure you haven’t forgotten, since I made about a million videos and posts about that adventure. I even got to be on TV and the radio a bunch…it was fun.

Well it happened again and the good folks at the Houston Area Chevy Dealers gave me another car for an extended test drive, this time a 2012 Diamond Edition Chevy Traverse. This crossover SUV seats eight people and it a great family vehicle. I made a couple of videos about what I liked in the Traverse and had a little fun with my kiddos while doing it. I really do love the color.

So here’s where you, my local Houston readers, can jump in on a great deal. Right now through November 26th you can go to any local Houston Chevy dealer and test drive either the Traverse OR the Malibu and you will be handed a $40 Spafinder gift certificate! These are good at lots of different spas all over the area so you can get a massage, get your mani/pedi on or get your insanely curly hair blown out (oh that’s just me? Well that’s my plan.). Easy peasy.

ALSO if you follow me on twitter or belong to the Water Water Everywhere community on Facebook you know I entered a contest wishing Chevrolet a happy 100th birthday. My video is one of ten finalists and today is the last day you can vote for my video to win the contest. The grand prize is $1000 in Expedia travel money which I have lots of ideas for how to use including heading to a blog conference like Type A Parent or possibly even helping an adoptive family offset their huge travel costs. We’ll see if I win, but I like my chances because I have awesome friends who have been voting for me all week.

So on Day 2 of 30 Days of Gratitude, I can very honestly say I’m grateful for my community, my peeps, my loyal readers and supporters like YOU who make all this cool stuff possible!

Disclosure: The Chevy Traverse campaign is being sponsored by the Houston Area Chevy Dealers. They let me test drive the Traverse and provided me with other compensation but did not tell me what to say about what a great car it is…that’s all me. 

Help Support the YMCA of Greater Houston

Everyone in America is familiar with the YMCA and the great work they do to strengthen communities and make sure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. Did you know the YMCA is a non-profit? They rely heavily on volunteers, public and private donors to provide the support they need to serve the community. That’s why I’m excited to announce that the Cadillac Cares Houston Challenge is giving the YMCA of Greater Houston a chance to win $50,000 in free advertising to help them spread their mission locally.

The YMCA of Greater Houston is one of three charities that have been chosen by the Houston Area Cadillac Dealers to participate in this month-long challenge. The other two charities are the Children’s Museum of Houston and the Houston Food Bank, also wonderful organizations I support. These three charities are competing from May 9th through June 5th to see who can get the most votes on the Challenge Facebook page, hosted by the Houston Area Cadillac Dealers. The winner at the end of the month will receive the $50,000 in free advertising, but even the “losers” will go home with $1000 each. Isn’t that a GREAT contest?

If you’ve been reading Water Water Everywhere for long you probably know that the Katy Family YMCA is like a home away from home for me. We have a family membership and I am there working out every chance I get, which is usually several days a week. I meet my friends for time on the elliptical, I work on my Couch to 5K training on the treadmill, and I take Christ-centered Yoga class there once or twice a week. I’ve tried loads of other classes too, from Zumba to pilates. The thing is my kids love going to the Child Watch center there too and I am amazed by how well operated it is. The people who work with my kids are really awesome.

Right now my six year old is taking four weeks of swimming lessons at the Y too, so that’s another two nights a week I’m there. I usually end up in the pool with my younger child during that time too. Both the indoor and outdoor pools are impressive…what really blew me away was the long ramp for handicapped people to enter the pool using waterproof wheelchairs. Isn’t that cool? It totally fits the YMCA’s mission of making sure everyone has the opportunity for healthy living.

Crush-0136My son has also participated in youth sports teams through the YMCA including soccer and basketball. He loved both and they are just another example of how the Y is committed to youth development. This summer he will participate in the YMCA summer day camp program because I love what I have seen from the staff and other programs and I trust the people there a whole lot more than I did the daycamp he was at last summer.

I could go on and on about how the YMCA partners with other community organizations, like my church for example. But the Katy Family YMCA is just one of the 36 centers in the YMCA of Greater Houston. Through these centers and hundreds of other facilities the YMCA of Greater Houston serves more than 800,000 boys, girls, men and women a year.

That’s why I would LOVE it if YOU would click over to the Cadillac Cares Charity Challenge Facebook page and “Like” the YMCA of Greater Houston. You don’t even have to live here to vote, and you can vote as often as once a day!

Please vote daily! 

Have you ever participated in any YMCA programs? Tell me why else you love the Y! 

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I have been compensated to bring your attention to this worthy cause. All opinions are my own and I swear the money has nothing to do with my opinion about how awesome the YMCA is…can you tell?