Adoption Related Milestones

It has now been more than a year since we first learned who our baby girl would be, saw her sweet, scared face and knew her name. It’s been two years since we filled out our application and handed over our first big check to start this long process.

Next week is Mother’s Day, of course, which is so hard for some of my friends in the process who have been waiting forever to bring their first children home from Haiti. It’s less hard for me because I already have two amazing kids at home, but it’s bittersweet.

Party Hat
An old photo of Rose celebrating her friend Achley’s birthday.

The really tough part though, is missing Rosenaicha’s birthday next week. My sweet little lady turns two on the fourteenth. I’m mailing a package of things for Rose to another mother who is traveling to the orphanage next week to pick up her son and bring him home. Shoes, a dress, some photos and stickers. In every new photo I see, she is wearing the shoes I brought for her. She loves shoes.

A new photo of Rosenaicha in April.
A new photo of Rosenaicha in April.

We got an update on Rose today! Size-wise, she’s still so small, off the bottom of both the height and weight growth charts. In group photos it looks to me like all the other toddlers are growing taller than Rose. I can share this description:

Rosenaicha, is a pleasure for the nannies and is a very cooperative and good natured little girl. She is constantly laughing and playing with her friends in the toddler room. She has a very active imagination and a lot of times you’ll see her playing with some dolls or building something with Legos. Rosenaicha is also very sweet and caring – the other day one of the toddlers fell over and Rosenaicha stopped what she was doing and helped her up. When you walk in to the toddler room she is one of the first ones to hug your legs. Rosenaicha is eating by herself, but is a very messy eater. Sometimes she will get a spoon full of food, and pretend to offer it to you, but instead shoves it into her mouth with a BIG grin. She has a cute sense of humor and loves playing tricks like that on people.

She did this food teasing with me when I was there. In fact it’s possible I encouraged it 🙂

New Easter clothes for the toddlers!
New Easter clothes for the toddlers!

One slight disappointment is learning that her file is still being reviewed by the Ministry of the Interior. I was hoping that would be done last week and she could get her passport, but not quite yet. After her passport the file moves to the Embassy where USCIS does a full investigation, searching for any possible adoption fraud before granting her permission to get a US visa. That can take a month or two. So I’m guessing now it’ll be July till we can get her. Praying for sooner, of course.

A much-too-big new Easter dress for Rose.
A much-too-big new Easter dress for Rose.

In the meantime we are not just sitting on our hands waiting anymore. We filed an addendum to our homestudy because of Mike’s job change, and a couple of things were not written correctly in the addendum, which resulted in USCIS sending us a Request for Evidence. That totally stinks. This prompted our social worker to decide that we had to do an entire homestudy update because ours was expired, despite the fact that USCIS did not require a whole new update. So now we are jumping through hoops again, filling out forms, getting new physicals and dog vaccinations, etc. Of course it means more money too. But we’ll get it done and hope it does not delay the USCIS investigation any longer than necessary.

We press on, knowing that God’s timing is perfect and all the waiting means he is doing a work in us, growing us to depend on Him more fully.

Adoption Advocacy and Casting Crowns

Last night I had the honor of representing two adoption organizations at a huge concert here in Houston. America World Adoption is the amazing agency who has walked us through each step of this two years plus process and I am happy to steer folks who are considering adoption in their direction. I was also there for Show Hope, the organization Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman founded to provide adoption grants. They also run Maria’s Big House of Hope for medically needy orphans in China.

Casting Crowns headlined the tour with the very pregnant (with twins!) Laura Story and American Idol finalist, Colton Dixon, supporting. From my display table I could see the whole show while I spoke to lots and lots of people about adoption. The reason we were invited is the lead singer of Casting Crowns, Mark Hall, is an adoptive father of a daughter from China, through America World. He apparently talked quite a bit about orphans and adoption during the show but I didn’t hear it because I was too busy sharing my own story nearby.

Side note, while walking the long path from my car to the pavilion, I heard two older guys on bikes ask someone who the concert was. “Casting wha? Casting Crowns?” “Oh, it’s JESUS band.” I chuckled.

Driving up to the concert venue in the Woodlands, I had time to think about what I would say about adoption, how we were called to this, how it is a visible representation of the gospel, and what I have learned along the way. (SO MUCH and that is a post for another day!)

I got lots of questions about timelines (“how fast can I get a baby?”) and surprisingly few about money. I encouraged soooo many folks who want to adopt but their spouse isn’t on board yet. Our personal story shows the power of prayer and waiting in that.

And of course there were the goofy comments like “do you have any real kids now?” Um, yeah and my daughter is real too, not a unicorn.

My tour contact was John Michael Hall, high school aged son of lead singer, Mark Hall. I failed to make that connection when I was told to meet him before the show for the materials. When he whipped out the photo of his sister on his phone it dawned on me who he was. Great guy. We teased him a bit to tell his dad to speed up the sermon during the show via text and I’m afraid he didn’t quite get the joking intent. Oops, sorry John Michael!

The most special part of the night for me was when the newly hired on-air talent for KSBJ, Rochelle, stopped by to talk. She was sweet as pie, and already talking about the heat in Houston, bless her heart. She just moved from New York and yesterday it was 85 here. She clearly has a heart for adoption, and with two biological boys I related to her a lot. She intently listened and asked great questions and swooned over my photos of Rose. Then she suddenly said “Let’s pray!” grabbed me and prayed one of the most moving and beautiful prayers over my family I have ever heard. I am so grateful for that and hope to keep sharing the rest of the story with her as we go.

More and more I realize this is what I want to do. I want to share my story and advocate for the fatherless, not just for adoption but for family preservation and child sponsorship and poor mothers and more. I don’t know the hows or wheres but I’m just going to keep saying “Yes” to whatever God asks me to do.
