Rocking Out in the Chevy Traverse!

Remember last year when I got the super fun opportunity to drive a beautiful Diamond Edition Chevy Malibu around for a few weeks? If you’ve been reading here awhile I’m sure you haven’t forgotten, since I made about a million videos and posts about that adventure. I even got to be on TV and the radio a bunch…it was fun.

Well it happened again and the good folks at the Houston Area Chevy Dealers gave me another car for an extended test drive, this time a 2012 Diamond Edition Chevy Traverse. This crossover SUV seats eight people and it a great family vehicle. I made a couple of videos about what I liked in the Traverse and had a little fun with my kiddos while doing it. I really do love the color.

So here’s where you, my local Houston readers, can jump in on a great deal. Right now through November 26th you can go to any local Houston Chevy dealer and test drive either the Traverse OR the Malibu and you will be handed a $40 Spafinder gift certificate! These are good at lots of different spas all over the area so you can get a massage, get your mani/pedi on or get your insanely curly hair blown out (oh that’s just me? Well that’s my plan.). Easy peasy.

ALSO if you follow me on twitter or belong to the Water Water Everywhere community on Facebook you know I entered a contest wishing Chevrolet a happy 100th birthday. My video is one of ten finalists and today is the last day you can vote for my video to win the contest. The grand prize is $1000 in Expedia travel money which I have lots of ideas for how to use including heading to a blog conference like Type A Parent or possibly even helping an adoptive family offset their huge travel costs. We’ll see if I win, but I like my chances because I have awesome friends who have been voting for me all week.

So on Day 2 of 30 Days of Gratitude, I can very honestly say I’m grateful for my community, my peeps, my loyal readers and supporters like YOU who make all this cool stuff possible!

Disclosure: The Chevy Traverse campaign is being sponsored by the Houston Area Chevy Dealers. They let me test drive the Traverse and provided me with other compensation but did not tell me what to say about what a great car it is…that’s all me. 

30 Days of Gratitude

Pumpkins 2011-0765 by Mainline Mom
Pumpkins 2011-0765, a photo by Mainline Mom on Flickr.

It’s November! I do love this month, especially since I moved to Texas. It is quite lovely here in November, not cold and gray and wet like it was up north. I love that November brings the heart of the college football season, especially since my team, Penn State, is 8-1 and leading the Big 10.

I love that it brings my birthday and most of all, Thanksgiving. As I mentioned in a previous post I have discovered that gratitude is completely and totally linked to joy. So I’ve decided that I am going to attempt to post every single day here on something I am grateful for. It may be a small thing or a big thing, or even many things! We’ll see if I can keep it up.

So today I’m grateful for autumn. I love me some pumpkins! I love how much my kids love pumpkins. We don’t have colorful fallen leaves to play around in so pumpkins are pretty much it for reminders of harvest season.

This past weekend I carved one great big pumpkin into a sort of Angry Bird. People loved it last night as they came to my door trick-or-treating. I just love the COLOR of pumpkins. I have quite a few tops and sweaters that color, but I recently decided I would like a handbag and a scarf in pumpkin orange as well. So I’m on the lookout for those.

Speaking of shopping, I also love November because it brings…BLACK FRIDAY! Yes I do like staking out the sale and the store map and standing in line outside Target at 3am. Then standing in line at the register for what seems like forever. I try not to play into the commercialization of Christmas too much but for me shopping is all about the hunt and Black Friday is like opening day of buck season. I get it all out of my system on that morning and I’m pretty much done with shopping in stores or malls until after Christmas.

So bring it on, November! I am grateful for this month.