I just stumbled across this site and it is rediculously hilarious. Just read the part where it says, “if this is your first time on this site, click here.” I died laughing. Too bad he’s a flaming liberal. I’m glad some of these liberal bloggers are actually really good writers and so funny. One of my best childhood friends, Theia DeLong, had a huge crush on Wil Wheaton when that Star Trek show was running. She was pretty much a sci-fi geek.


Knowledge is like manure

I just read the funniest quote from a woman who I really look up to and respect in my industry. She said, “Knowledge is like manure, it’s only good if you spread it around.” If you’re not in our business you might find that disgusting but we love to talk about poo, especially when it is well treated and put to good use fertilizing farmland. Her name is Lynn Orphan and she has risen to the position of President of the Water Environment Federation for 2005 at a relatively young age. She is a consulting engineer from Nevada and she has two daughters who she clearly adores. I have had the pleasure of spending time with her at many industry functions and she is a genuinely nice person. She has always made time to talk to me and encouraged my efforts in our trade association. Her position requires her to be away from home a huge amount of time for four years so she must be dedicated and I’m sure she makes time for her girls. Anyway…here’s to Lynn!

WEF – Public Information – WEF Leadership – Lynn Orphan