The Cat’s Meow

So my mom’s new husband is a meterologist. Not the kind on TV, some other kind. Apparently he can’t get enough of the weather at work, he has to obsess over weather maps online at home too. He acts like a little kid when we are going to get a big snowstorm…which we did today. My mom, on the other hand, dreads snowstorms, because she’s a fraidycat about driving to and from work in it. I don’t know why, she’s been doing it for years. I personally think she just can’t slow down enough even in snow to keep from sliding all over. Well today she told me how awful it is that her hubby thinks snow is the cat’s meow while she loathes it so much. She asked him which he liked more, snow or her. He said he’d think about it and still hasn’t gotten back to her.

I’d say we have about 6 inches so far and it’s still falling pretty steadily.

8 thoughts on “The Cat’s Meow”

  1. Well I mean he was educated in weather but he works for some consulting company in the field of air quality. Something to do with designing smoke stacks or cooling towers…I don’t really know.

  2. Well I mean he was educated in weather but he works for some consulting company in the field of air quality. Something to do with designing smoke stacks or cooling towers…I don’t really know.

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