10 Unromantic Ways I Celebrate Valentine’s Day

1. Usually we hire a sitter and have a date night the Saturday closest to Valentine’s Day. Instead this year I volunteer to spend all afternoon and evening photographing dads and their little girls for a dance at our church. Meanwhile my husband feeds, entertains, bathes and puts our boys to bed.

2. Plan to attend a special Valentine’s Day lunch…with my grandparents…at a potential retirement home.

3. My husband’s birthday was last week and I shower him with awesome gifts. Consequently I use up all my gift ideas and fail to come up with anything for today other than a card.

4. Tell my husband not to buy me a stitch of chocolate because I’m on a diet.

5. Over the past week I find zero time to head to the store without at least one child in tow. Which means I did not buy them any cards or gifts, at all. #EpicMomFail

Obviously not taken this year. 

6. Normally unfazed by such things, of course I get a huge dose of PMS hormones and cry with guilt over my epic failure to demonstrate my love for my family through gifts on a Hallmark holiday (my love language, not theirs.)

7. The day before Valentine’s day I find out my cleaning lady has a sick kid and can’t come. Hosting life group that night means I have to clean but only have time to focus on the areas where company will be, so a romantic bath in a clean jacuzzi tub won’t be happening today.

8. No sleeping on clean sheets either. See #7.

And the most unromantic thing of all?

9. Waking up sick as a dog on Valentine’s Day with swollen glands, a throat burning like fire and a head full of snot. Instead of a romantic kiss my better half helps me get the kids ready for school while I throw on some sexy sweatpants and start popping pills.

10. As he walks out the door he whispers “Don’t worry about dinner, honey, we can just order a pizza.”

Now that is what love is all about.

This post is linked up over at Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday. I bet there are some much nicer Valentine’s posts over there. 

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

12 thoughts on “10 Unromantic Ways I Celebrate Valentine’s Day”

  1. just stopped by from Oh Amanda… and hey, sounds like our valentines are similar this year.  Didn’t get a thing for anyone for similar reasons… I’m not sick but my diabetic son is, so he’s missing all the celebrations at school.  Ugh.  Oh well, there’s always another year to win the good mama award for this holiday 😉  right?

    I’m over at http://www.penpalsandpicturebooks.com  come stop by sometime.

  2. just stopped by from Oh Amanda… and hey, sounds like our valentines are similar this year.  Didn’t get a thing for anyone for similar reasons… I’m not sick but my diabetic son is, so he’s missing all the celebrations at school.  Ugh.  Oh well, there’s always another year to win the good mama award for this holiday 😉  right?

    I’m over at http://www.penpalsandpicturebooks.com  come stop by sometime.

  3. Sorry to hear that. My kids had their parties on Friday and I spent a ton of time building their mailboxes and assembling their class Valentines. Then I left work and attended said parties. I guess that’ll have to do for this year. 

  4. Sorry to hear that. My kids had their parties on Friday and I spent a ton of time building their mailboxes and assembling their class Valentines. Then I left work and attended said parties. I guess that’ll have to do for this year. 

  5. Fortunately after 14 years of marriage I’m not as concerned about celebrating a Hallmark holiday. I’m sure we’ll have a nice date night sometime in the near future, and my kids know they are loved 🙂

  6. Fortunately after 14 years of marriage I’m not as concerned about celebrating a Hallmark holiday. I’m sure we’ll have a nice date night sometime in the near future, and my kids know they are loved 🙂

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