Changing The World One Cup At A Time

For the seventh day in November’s 30 Days of Gratitude, I would like to express my mega thankfulness for lattes and Kosmos Coffee.

I cherish my morning coffee. I drink it black, strong and full flavored, and it has this way of completely changing my attitude for the day. I can go from being crabby or foggy to feeling like an energetic genius with half a cup of my usual Dunkin Donuts hazelnut java. But a few years ago I learned to love vanilla lattes. Starbucks introduced me to the “skinny” vanilla latte, which in my mind is actually super health food since it has few calories but is packed with calcium and protein.

Then last year my beloved church home opened Kosmos Coffee, a non-profit coffee shop in the vein of Starbucks but with even better coffee and a ton of good will. Each month the profits from Kosmos go to a different local or global charity. For example Kosmos money has gone to Living Water to build water wells in the third world. It has also gone to KCM which houses our local food pantry and does much to help the disadvantaged struggling families in our own town.

Also they have fabulous skinny vanilla lattes. I like to hang out there because it’s usually pretty quiet but with just the right blend of people coming and going or having planning meetings or Bible studies. I love the mix of music that plays through the overhead speakers. Also there’s free wifi, so when I am sick of working from my home office I can just bring my laptop there and work for an hour or a whole day. Like I did today.

So yep…today I’m thankful for Kosmos Coffee. If you’re local and you’ve not tried it…you really must.