Gambling, Family Nuttiness and Plastic Surgery?

It’s time for another Monday Mingle!  Here are this week’s questions.  If you want to hear my answers, watch the video.  I would LOVE to hear your answers in the comments.
1. Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?
2. Whose side of the family is the nuttiest – yours or your spouses?
3. Would you have plastic surgery?

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

12 thoughts on “Gambling, Family Nuttiness and Plastic Surgery?”

  1. Welcome back, lady! Yay, for personal financial responsibility. Nice diplomatic answer on the nutty family question. LOL Every family has a few… Oh, Botox! Good answer. I didn’t even think about that. But you’re beautiful the way you are. Have a good week.

  2. Welcome back, lady! Yay, for personal financial responsibility. Nice diplomatic answer on the nutty family question. LOL Every family has a few… Oh, Botox! Good answer. I didn’t even think about that. But you’re beautiful the way you are. Have a good week.

  3. Drama does lead to nuttiness I will agree there..

    Good point about the healing process.. some of those things take a lot of time to heal.

    I could do botox.. it kinda keeps me out a bit.. LOL

    Nice to meet you!

  4. Drama does lead to nuttiness I will agree there..

    Good point about the healing process.. some of those things take a lot of time to heal.

    I could do botox.. it kinda keeps me out a bit.. LOL

    Nice to meet you!

  5. Hello!
    I didn’t catch your first mingle, nice to *meet* you. Never been to Las Vegas – never really had the urge to travel all that way if I don’t gamble. I don’t like wasting money either.
    Drama – I agree, always!
    Surgery is scary and I think some are too willing to go under the knife.

    Have a great week!

  6. Hello!
    I didn’t catch your first mingle, nice to *meet* you. Never been to Las Vegas – never really had the urge to travel all that way if I don’t gamble. I don’t like wasting money either.
    Drama – I agree, always!
    Surgery is scary and I think some are too willing to go under the knife.

    Have a great week!

  7. Sarah, you are so adorable!! Right on about the gambling question, I agree it’s a total waste of money! But, Vegas on the other hand…I am so about going to see just how the “other side” lives!! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!


  8. Sarah, you are so adorable!! Right on about the gambling question, I agree it’s a total waste of money! But, Vegas on the other hand…I am so about going to see just how the “other side” lives!! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!


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