Summer Education: Zoo Week!

This year in Kindergarten my son Nathan learned how to read.  It kind of blew my mind, watching his brain expand so much in a few short months.  Now that school is done I really don’t want him to lose any of the skills he has mastered, so I am consciously setting out to keep his brain engaged, especially on the two days a week he is home with me.  So I figured I would create my own themes for each week of the summer, including some kind of field trip along with a weekly trip to the library and some art and writing projects.  I will have a reward chart with stickers earned for completely various activities.

Last week’s theme was zoo animals.  We are members of the Houston Zoo, so this was kind of a no-brainer.  We took an early morning trip to the zoo and this time I gave both Nathan and Alex cameras and asked them to take whatever photos they wanted.  As a photographer it is really cool to see my oldest learning his way around a point and shoot camera.  We printed out the photos and will put them in a special book where he can write in some descriptions and decorate the pages.  I also logged into our library system’s website and requested a whole bunch of books with a zoo theme.  There are some really adorable ones!  Both kids are participating in the library summer reading program, and it is sweet to see Nathan devouring these zoo books, even bringing the in the car everywhere we go. 

Here are a few of Nathan’s photos from last week.  Not bad for his first try.

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

4 thoughts on “Summer Education: Zoo Week!”

  1. I love your ideas for keeping your 5-year-old engaged during the summer. You’ve come up with some neat plans (I’m going to have to copy them!). Thanks for sharing. His photos are great!

  2. I love your ideas for keeping your 5-year-old engaged during the summer. You’ve come up with some neat plans (I’m going to have to copy them!). Thanks for sharing. His photos are great!

  3. Actually, those are very *good* photos! I am also a fan of giving a kid a camera, it gets them involved in the activity (as opposed to being simply a spectator), and also gives us adults an insight into what these kids are experiencing (especially when they decide to clam up and answer every question with “uh-huh” or “stuff”.)

    BTW, did you let them see the dinosaurs? I am heading to the zoo tomorrow to see them, myself.


  4. Actually, those are very *good* photos! I am also a fan of giving a kid a camera, it gets them involved in the activity (as opposed to being simply a spectator), and also gives us adults an insight into what these kids are experiencing (especially when they decide to clam up and answer every question with “uh-huh” or “stuff”.)

    BTW, did you let them see the dinosaurs? I am heading to the zoo tomorrow to see them, myself.


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