Knocked Flat

Us, missed focus 🙂
Originally uploaded by Mainline Mom

Have you ever been cruising along through life at top speed, thinking everything is great and then suddenly something knocks you flat on your back? That’s what happened to me last week.

Memorial day weekend was relaxing and delightful. We threw a small cookout for just a few friends on Monday and had a wonderful time. Tuesday I got up and went to YMCA with my friend as normal. By mid-afternoon I felt a headache coming on, and figured it was my standard once-a-month migraine that I have learned to knock out with a quick Sudafed and Excedrine combo. By dinner time I was a wreck, with searing pain overtaking my whole head and body. I climbed into bed around 6pm and tried to sleep all night, struggling with mind-bending pain. I did find at one point that I had a fever of 103, probably from a mild virus my kids had been passing around. But even the next morning when the fever was gone, I couldn’t shake the pain.

Wed came and went with me doing little more than sleep. I could barely open my eyes…in fact I ended up sleeping on the floor of my closet because it was the only dark spot I could find. Thursday I finally got an appointment with the doctor and somehow drove myself over. I was getting nervous about something more than just a headache going on. Thankfully she tested me for stroke symptoms and found none, but she did send me for an MRI and bloodwork. The narcotic painkillers barely dulled the intensity of my headache while making me nauseous and even more sleepy.

I was supposed to speak at the Houston Social Media Breakfast on Friday about being a Brand Ambassador. I barely had enough energy to send my regrets. My sweet husband stayed home from work to drive me to my MRI, manage the kids and take care of stuff like laundry, meals and cleaning. He was a superhero.

Finally on Saturday I talked to my sister and she suggested it could be an inflamed nerve in my head. I grabbed a big ice gelpack from the freezer and stuck it on my neck, and I stopped taking the Darvocet and grabbed some Naproxen I had. Within a few hours the pain was considerably less.

I’m still not back to normal, but I’m back to life as usual and so glad for it. I have rarely felt so helpless as I did for those five days of pain. I prayed for healing but also praised the Lord for whatever he was doing. I did have some pretty anxious moments but I knew that He was in complete control. I think perhaps this was just a reminder of who’s the boss of my life. Hint: it’s not me.

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

11 thoughts on “Knocked Flat”

  1. So glad you’re feeling better. There’s a migraine doc here that is a little edgy, but gets great results. If you want the name, let me know. 😉

  2. So glad you’re feeling better. There’s a migraine doc here that is a little edgy, but gets great results. If you want the name, let me know. 😉

  3. So glad you’re feeling better. There’s a migraine doc here that is a little edgy, but gets great results. If you want the name, let me know. 😉

  4. So glad you’re feeling better. There’s a migraine doc here that is a little edgy, but gets great results. If you want the name, let me know. 😉

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