A Word of Encouragement for Mothers

This weekend we had pretty much nothing to do, with the exception of having my grandparents to dinner Friday, and it was utterly exhausting for me.  Not physically exhausting, although it became that too, but spiritually exhausting.  Yesterday I stumbled across Angie Smith’s blog, Bring the Rain.  I know I was told about it at least once by my friend Stephanie, and probably more than once…but for whatever reason God was saving it for me to read this weekend. 

It begins with the story of Angie finding out at her 20 week ultrasound that her baby girl had multiple terminal defects. Angie happens to be the wife of one of the members of popular Christian music group, Selah, who I like.  But she is a gifted writer and more than that…her life is an overflowing, fragrant offering for Jesus.  I found myself reading and reading yesterday, every single post, and crying my eyes out.  Not just for her pain, but for the beauty of her love for Christ and others, even in the midst of horrifying circumstances. I want that.  So it stirred something deep within me that I spent hours dealing with, talking to Mike about, and talking to God about. 

I continued reading today after worship, continued seeking and desiring God. And as will happen, I got the Sunday night blues.  My boys created much chaos, I didn’t have the energy to pick up after them or myself, and their attitudes (mostly the older one) wore me down.  Then I found the most amazing word of encouragement from one of my favorite sisters in Christ, Beth Moore.  It’s long, but worth it.  If you don’t have a lot of time, just cut it off when she gets to the (long) poem at the end.

Happy Mother’s Day from LPV on Vimeo.

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

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