How To Use Twitter

Need Help Using Twitter?

Most people these days seem to know how to use Facebook, but a lot of people don’t get the how and why of Twitter.  I’ve heard a lot of people guess at what Twitter is without really ever having tried it. “Isn’t it like instant messaging?” No. “Don’t people tweet stupid stuff like what they had for lunch?” Not people I follow, unless there’s something significant about the food or place.

It seems like every brand on the planet suddenly has a Twitter account, but most still have no idea how to use it. The best users of Twitter?  Are bloggers. Twitter is often referred to as micro-blogging, and just like blogging about what you had for lunch won’t attract many readers, Tweeting about it won’t either.

Why I Use Twitter

The benefits I get from Twitter include

  • getting to know bloggers more personally
  • finding links to the most interesting and relevant articles
  • sometimes winning things and getting free stuff
  • crowd-sourcing answers to my pressing questions
  • hearing news as it breaks, not minutes or hours later
  • sharing my blog and photography content
  • learning about cool local events and gatherings

Ten Simple Tips for Using Twitter

Like the sound of that? Here are a few of my tips for new users to scale the learning curve and start realizing the benefits before you get bored.

Top Ten {Tuesday}1. Choose your user name carefully.  I can’t emphasize this enough.  You want something short, memorable, and easy to spell, so that people will be able to interact with you easily.  Remember you only get 140 characters per tweet, which includes your name when people reply to you, so the shorter the name, the more space for what you want to say.

2. As soon as you sign up for an account, carefully fill in your bio and upload a photo of your smiling face. Yes, I’m serious. People want to get to know you, and a smile is just that much more inviting. If I see the little colored birdie where your photo should be, chances are good I will blow you off.  Also it’s a great idea to put your city, so that local people can find you.  I have found Twitter to be awesome for not only connecting people in cyberspace but in real life.  When I see they are from Katy or Houston, TX, I am far more likely to follow them.

3. When you’ve got your account set up, start following some people. Twitter can help you do that by searching your email contact list for people you already know.  You can also look for the Twitter handle on some of your favorite personal blogs.  Once you have found someone interesting to follow, take a look at who they are replying to and check out those people.  It’s no fun to only see half a conversation.

4. Take a look at your favorite Tweeters Lists. Lists are groups of people set up by Tweeters in a particular category. I haven’t created a ton of lists, but I have a few…for example I have a list of people from Katy, TX, a list of Christian bloggers, a list of photographers, and a list of people who tweet mostly about Penn State football. I should really add some more lists, like one for mommy bloggers, one for fashionistas, etc. Sometimes it’s fun to find a list and simply follow that person’s entire list. I did that during the Olympics, I followed Twitters whole list of Olympians.

As an aside, this is where a third party Twitter software client like Tweetdeck or Seesmic really helps.  These clients allow you to set up multiple columns on your screen so you can see just the tweets in a given group or list of people.  This is a great way to avoid missing what interests you the most.  

5. As for your own tweets, share things you think people would care about. If you read a really great article or post? Tweet it with a link. Saw something really funny? Take a pic with your camera phone and use Twitpic or Tweetphoto to share with the world.

6. Twitter is a bit like a cocktail party…you wouldn’t walk in the door and start shouting to everyone “Hey, check ME out…I ran five miles this morning!” So your best bet is to jump into people’s conversations using replies. Don’t be afraid to reply to people, that’s what Twitter is ALL about.  Eavesdropping is not considered rude on Twitter.

7. Use the RT (retweet) button generously and wisely.  If someone says something really funny that you think others will laugh at…retweet it.  If someone shares an awesome link…retweet it.  If the tweet allows you room to add your comment, go for it. Promote other people’s blog posts. Expert Tweeter, Chris Brogan’s (@chrisbrogan) rule of thumb is promote others 12x for every one time you promote yourself.

8. I strongly believe that you do not have to follow everyone that follows you, automatically.  I’ve heard the arguments in favor of this and I don’t buy them.  I follow about 1200 people and I want my Tweet stream to be as relevant as possible since it flies by so quickly. (By the way, don’t feel the need to read every single tweet of those you follow.  Twitter is something you jump into and out of when you find a little time.) There are lots of people who follow me for reasons I don’t know, whose tweets are totally irrelevant to me.  I do give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and I check their most recent tweets before deciding whether or not to follow back.

9. Use hashtags to find people talking about things you are interested in.  My husband has recently found it enjoyable to follow the hashtag #nascar during races and banter with other folks watching the same race.  This is similar to how I enjoy watching big awards shows while tweeting about them.  Twitter has a function that will allow you to simply see the tweets of everyone using that hashtag, not just those you follow.

10. Be careful not to over-tweet.  I’m guilty of this a lot.  You can tweet by replying to people as much as you want, but if you tweet ten times in an hour about whatever TV show you’re watching…it can get irritating to people following you.  It’s called polluting or flooding their tweet-stream. 

I could go on about this forever, and this was probably information overload, but I hope it helps someone out.  I am on my laptop all day and I keep Tweetdeck up in the background. In between projects I flip over and interact for a few minutes before hopping back to my work.  It’s my way of keeping from being too isolated in my home office all the time.

Still have questions about Twitter? Hit me up in the comments and I’ll be happy to respond!

Like this post? Follow me (@MainlineMom) on Twitter!

Top Ten Most Useful Tweeters

Top Ten {Tuesday} Ok y’all know I tweet A LOT.  Right now I’m following about 1300 people.  There are way more than ten people whose tweets I love to read.  But it’s Top TEN Tuesday, so I had to limit it to ten.  Please don’t feel bad if I left you off the list.
1. @ChrisBrogan. I strongly dislike people who call themselves social media gurus.  But when you say “social media guru”, Chris Brogan is who pops into my head. The man knows what he’s doing, engages incredibly well and continuously puts out great content.  Also? He’s really nice.

2. @TheBloggess. I know she can be profane and offensive but I know her in real life and she is one of the kindest women you’ll meet, laugh out loud hilarious, and her tweets are awesome.

3. @problogger.  I’ve already mentioned that I’m taking the challenge and reading his e-book, 31 Days To Build a Better Blog.  But I first discovered him through his amazing site, Digital Photography School.  He’s just all around awesome.

4. @centsiblelife. I follow a lot of personal finance bloggers, most of whom Kelly has introduced me to.  But Kelly is a mom and funny and sweet and I’m happy to have finally gotten to spend time with her in real life. 

5. @Ed. Another guy who is extremely “in the know” with social media, technology, politics and all sorts of things.  Also a super nice guy who is great at making connections between people. 

6. @RealLifeSarah. She has a fabulous blog and an even better live web show on MomTV.  She’s about the warmest person you’ll meet, totally real and loads of fun. Plus she’s smart, conservative, and lets the light of Jesus shine.

7. @chookooloonks. If you’ve never read Karen’s blog, go NOW. She is an amazing photographer and a beautiful person.  She has great taste in music too, which she tweets out a lot. She’s up on the funny and amazing headlines as well.

8. @btruax.  This one is generally more for Houstonians.  Brian is an awesome supporter and builder of Houston community, and he posts a lot of great links. He’s also super nice in real life, and that comes across on Twitter.

9. @cosmopolitician. Also more of a Houston thing, but this girl has serious style. Monica is a gem in our community, smart and fun loving. 

10. @TeriLynneU. I am so very glad to have recently gotten to know Teri Lynne, she is a light for Jesus in dark and chaotic world. She has the gift of encouragement, there is no doubt about that. 

I know there are many many more Tweeters that I absolutely look forward to reading each day, but these are those I find most “useful”.  This also does not always translate to my favorite blogs…there are some awesome bloggers out there that don’t tweet a whole lot. 

Hope you find this useful! Please share some of YOUR favorite tweeters, I’m always looking for great new people to follow!  Also, leave a link to your twitter handle in the comments if you are on Twitter and I’m not already following you 🙂