10 People Who Inspired Me to Keep Running

Last week on Google Plus (yes, some people DO use it) I was posed a question about what inspires me in my running.

So I decided that now would be the perfect time to call out and thank some of the people who have inspired me to run and continue running over the past few years.

1. My sister. Victoria has always been the athlete of the family but she joined a running group for moms a few years ago and has run several long distance races. The first time she visited us in TX she went for a run and remarked about how awesome our sidewalks are. The last two times she came we ran together and it was really enjoyable.

2. Jo-Lynne. Jo-Lynne and I have been friends since long before blogging and she was never what I would call a fitness buff. A few hours at King of  Prussia was our idea of a workout. But then one day she started run/walking and then running and slowly but surely she got hooked on it, while blogging all about her surprise love for the activity. I could totally relate to this, and I figured that if she could morph into a runner so could I.

Donna pushing Asher during the race.

3. Scott and Donna Balin. My friends the Balins are what my husband refers to as “pushers”. They are marathoners and will encourage anyone and everyone to join them in signing up for various races and training programs. Scott is the organizer of Katy Fit, a running group with around a thousand members, and Run 4 the Children was his idea.

Kristi and Monica with their girls after a race.

4. Monica. Despite having two kids and working full time, Monica is dedicated to her running. She’s like me too in that she likes to eat and enjoys good libations. She started running just a bit before I did, but she joined the Katy Fit half marathon training program last year and has run a couple of halfs in the past year. We have done the Katy Beer Run a couple times together and we talk running on Facebook a lot.

5. Susan and Ellie. Again, dedicated runners who have given me tons of advice when I needed it, especially early on. I ran with them (well, more like behind them) in New Orleans last year. Susan uses Runkeeper like I do and watching her put in long miles at a lightning fast pace is inspiring.

6. John and Vanessa Cordes. Our very good friends who are also in our life group with the Balins, John and Vanessa encouraged me in my training for Run 4 the Children and Vanessa keeps pushing me to run the Chosen half marathon in the fall. She has this death glare of peer pressure that could get anyone to do anything, I think. Running into her at the Y a lot while she trained for a few half marathons was fun too.

7. Warren. I hardly ever see my neighbor Warren but thanks to the wonders of Facebook I see his photos and comments about training for triathlons like Ironman Texas. He pointed me in the right direction when my knee was sore and I needed new shoes and he continues to encourage me.

8. Kristine. One of my very first blogging friends from eight years ago, Kristine and I have never actually met. (We need to change that.) She’s been through a lot, but recently she’s become obsessed with trail running and even started a Facebook group encouraging other people to run a 5K. She’s always leaving me peppy comments when I get frustrated with a run.

Stephanie, Amanda and Deb
9. Deb, Amanda and Stephanie. These ladies ran were part of my Katy Fit 5K training group and ran with me a lot. We were faster than the walkers but slower than the continuous runners. Deb and Stephanie were more “seasoned” than I and had done some long races whereas Amanda was practically a baby at 21 and Run 4 the Children was her first ever race. She was getting ready to head off to bootcamp with the Army and always replied “Yes ma’am” to my questions. I will be praying for her often. 

10. Coach Alain. He was in charge of my training group and I’m not sure I’ve ever met a peppier dude. He’s a former Marine and a serious marathoner but also lots of fun. He learned everyone in our big group’s name quickly and sent us loads of encouraging emails. Alain demonstrated perfectly why having an experienced coach and trainer is so highly valuable.

So that’s a lot of people that have inspired me and kept me going on my journey as a runner. Just seeing how much people I know love running is helpful. It definitely feels a bit like I’ve joined a cult. Runners are a passionate bunch.

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little BlessingsYour turn: Who has inspired you towards positive life change lately? 

10 Things I Think While I’m Running

So even though I’ve been running for more than a year now and I’m consistently doing around 3 miles every run, I’d still consider myself a new runner. Why? Because I still spend most of my run thinking about my run. There are very brief occasions when my mind wanders and I can ponder something more interesting but especially right now while I’m in race training I am very focused on the mechanics and feelings of running.

I read an article recently that talked about how our brains work better when we think less. In turn our bodies work more efficiently when we we can do certain physical maneuvers instinctively instead of consciously. This is true for things like martial arts and football. Yes you have to train mentally first to be able to get to the place where your body moves correctly without thinking, but once you get there you move even better.

I’m not there yet with my running  but I believe I will be someday. I know people that are able to solve all kinds of problems in their heads when they run. Friends speak about creative inspiration hitting while they run. Certainly it’s a stress reliever, even for me.

So here are ten things that go through my head, I swear, every single time I run. Every time. All these things. Some are kind of hilarious even to me. Some are really stupid and should be banished from my head.

1. “What’s that twinge in my leg? Stop that. You are not gonna get injured, stupid knee/hamstring/IT band/foot.”

2. “This is gonna make me feel so awesome when I’m done. So why doesn’t it feel awesome right now?”

3. “I wonder if I’m hydrated enough? Maybe that’s why I’m dragging.”

4. “Darn it I have to pee. Apparently peeing three times before I left wasn’t enough.”

5. “Breathe slower. Big breath in through the nose…man why are my nostrils so tiny and narrow?”

6. “I love this song! Let’s see if it’s the right rhythm for my pace. This song is just a tiny bit slower than I recall. Or maybe I’m faster now…yeah, that’s it!”

7. “Wonder if anyone I know drives by while I’m running. Probably not.”

8. “This is getting hard, my legs are getting heavy. Remember, I’m running for the glory of God and the rescue of orphans. Keep going.” (this is my mantra)

9. “I feel awesome like I could go forever. Don’t slow me down you stupid traffic lights or cars pulling out.”

10. “Am I done yet? Ouch. (Insert lame excuse here.) Think I’ll cut this a bit short today. Next run I’ll do more.”

Sometimes I do cut it short, sometimes I don’t. But I’m always thinking about the next run.

Can you relate to any of these? 

This post is linked up at Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday…check it out for lots more great lists.