First Grade is Gonna Rock

With each passing year I see my firstborn growing into his unique little personhood. He grows physically like a weed, sure, but I cherish the development of his imagination and ability to articulate his thoughts and feelings even more.

Yesterday was the first day of first grade for Nathan. He was totally ready for it and not the least intimidated. At least, that’s how he appeared to me, but knowing that he’s an introvert I’m sure there is a lot more going on in his head than he says. He was very excited to be going into a new class with many familiar faces from last year, most specifically his best friend, Daniel. Daniel and Nathan even attended YMCA summer camp together so their bond is strong. They are a little funny to watch because Nathan appears to be twice the size of Daniel and looks a whole lot older.

Usually getting Nathan to express himself verbally is like pulling teeth, but I prepared him that I would want to hear about everything that happened that day. So two steps off the bus he told me what a great day he had and how he liked his teacher. He shared all kinds of feelings with me…I could see the excitement bubbling up from within. I know this won’t last long so I will soak it up as much as possible. Soon enough my Nathan will come home worn out and hungry and the only answers I get will be “Fine” and “I don’t remember.”

How was the first day of school in your house? 

Fashion Friday: Back to School!

The tie was just for graduation.

Yesterday was “Meet the Teacher” night for my first grade son so I trekked on foot in the 102 degree heat over to his school to get a first glimpse of what was in store for this new year. Last year I dressed up a little for this event, (in this White House Black Market maxi dress) being totally new to the whole elementary school gig, because I thought it would matter how I presented myself to Nate’s teacher and the other parents I’d meet. Nathan had a great year but my relationship with his teacher was a bit bumpy. I think Kindergarten was a harder adjustment for me than for him.

So with a new year comes a fresh start with a new teacher. Both the kids and the parents are completely new to the teacher and the teacher pretty much holds the fate of the entire year in her hands. That’s why I think it’s super important to make a good first impression. I decided a dress and heels were not necessary for me this year, especially given the long walk in the sweltering heat, but I did make Nathan change from a t-shirt into a collared polo shirt. Gymboree, of course!

Here’s why. I believe that how your child looks on the first few days of school can shape a teacher’s opinion of that child. We all make snap judgments about people based on how they look, even when we know we may be wrong and try not to. It’s human nature. 
Graphic t-shirts covered in skulls, Mohawks and shirts touting smartass and rebellious sayings are just not a good idea on a small child when impressions are important. Private prep schools use uniforms for a reason. I believe that if my child dresses nicely the teacher is more likely to believe that he is well mannered, well behaved and smart. At least she has to know that his parents are heavily involved in his life and likely to make sure he gets his work done. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m ALL for freedom of expression in clothing choices, but when kids are young and still open to suggestion I’m going to err on the side of preppy at least for the first week of school. 
Tell me what YOU think. Agree? Disagree? 

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