10 Reasons to Use Video On Your Blog

You may have noticed that I occasionally incorporate video into my blog posts here. I really enjoy using video as an added media element to my space and I want to give you ten reasons why you should too!

Danielle Smith doing a video interview

1. Video blogging is a game changer. It totally sets you apart, above and beyond the other 156 million blogs. I heard a stat recently that only 5% of all sites incorporate video.

2. Video allows your audience to get to know you better. You can read someone’s emails, tweets, blog posts, FB updates and texts all day every day but if you’ve never met them, video adds a huge new dimension. The more your readers feel like they know you personally, the more invested they become in what you have to say.

3. Video makes you more believable. It can help you build trust capital which in turn makes it more likely that your audience will respond to whatever call to action you might present, whether it’s getting involved with a cause, sharing a story, or buying something you recommend.

4. It makes complicated information more entertaining and more likely to be shared virally. Add a bit of humor to your tutorial and it’ll go a long way.

5. It’s awesome for SEO (search engine optimization). Did you know YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google? The right tagging and titling of your YouTube video can make your search traffic skyrocket. (Check out my YouTube channel here!)

6. Video can convey your passion about a topic much better than just text. Passion is compelling, it translates into charisma and people are drawn to it.

7. Creating and uploading videos is super easy. Anyone can do it. Most people have some simple digital video recorder, even if it’s just an iPhone. YouTube makes video publishing and embedding on a blog a piece of cake.

8. Creating video blogs is also great for your presentation skills. Sure you may only be talking to a camera, but it requires many of the same skills as speaking before a live audience.

9. Another by-product of creating video blogs is that you become more comfortable on camera and more willing to jump at opportunities when they come up. This happened to me at Mom 2.0 with three separate opportunities to be interviewed on camera and promote my blog. One was a chance to talk about my heart for orphans on Johnson and Johnson’s platform. Had I not been creating video blogs over the past year I might have turned down a great chance to talk about my mission.

10. Because it’s FUN! I promise you, making videos for your blog is lots of fun.

So have you tried creating some video blog posts?

This post is linked up over at OhAmanda’s Top Ten Tuesdays. Hop over and check it out!

11 thoughts on “10 Reasons to Use Video On Your Blog”

  1. My tip?
    First and foremost, do NOT be afraid. you can always delete and record again.

    Next? Have fun. If you don’t like what your vlogging then don’t. Wait until you have something you can really talk about.

    BE YOU. It can be a total blast to show the world who you really are 🙂

  2. This might just be the most pertinent blog post I have ever read! I am new to blogging (my blog is 3 weeks old :D), and while I have not vlogged YET I have been itching to do so. I’m participating in the Revlon Race for Women this weekend, and you have given me inspiration to bring my flip to Times Square! Thanks ever so much- DM

  3. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hate video blogs. I prefer text that I can read on my own time, skim over, etc., rather than listening to someone babble on while waiting for the part I’m interested in. Also, I am usually either in the office or at home with the TV on while using the computer, so watching a video requires me to pull out headphones or turn off the TV and turn on my speakers (since I always keep them turned off), which is inconvenient. And finally, 98% of the time the person speaking is awkward and nervous. If someone really wants to record a video, they should prepare a script or at least some notes so they’re not stammering through the whole thing. (All those “umm”s and “uhh”s take up my valuable time!) Pretty much the only time I appreciate a video as a blog entry is, like you mentioned, if they’re giving some sort of demonstration.

  4. Awesome!! I love it, this is exactly how I had hoped someone would respond. I would seriously love it if you would come back when you’ve posted your video blog and leave a link!!

  5. I realize they aren’t for everyone, and I strongly encourage people to make them as short as humanly possible, under 3 minutes, and to keep them on topic, not rambling about. This is why I still do most of my posts in text, but throw in the occasional video because there ARE people who say exactly the opposite, that they prefer to watch a video over reading a text post.

  6. Awesome tips Priscilla!! I gave up the whole Monday mingle vlog thing because it was so obvious I didn’t care what I was talking about. Same with the whole recording your youth thing. But I DO love the fashion videos…they are just hard to keep short LOL

  7. wow…look at you!!!! promoting 1:17 and all and chatting on Johnson and Johnson TV and whatnot. GOOD ON YOU!!! Great blog Sarah. Blessings!

  8. I know, right?! I couldn’t pass up the chance. That was the freakin’ THIRD take though b/c the audio kept getting some kind of feedback pop right in the middle. The first two takes were way better.

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