Ten Reasons I Haven’t Yet Packed Up My Preschooler and Shipped Him to His Grandparents

Alex imagines being a public works director

At least once a day for the past couple of months I have contemplated buying a plane ticket, or maybe just a big box, and shipping my 3 year old off to his grandparents far away. Because that’s the only barely legal way I could think of to get him off my last nerve. My once perfect child (I swear, 2 years old was a breeze) is now a bundle of defiance more often than not. Bedtime has been the worst, sometimes being two hours of standing outside his room, putting him back to bed over and over while he screams. He’s also learned how to lock me out of rooms. I’m sure if you knew him you would say I was exaggerating, but this developmental phase is the pits.

Aside: What amuses me most though, is that when I see him constantly testing my limits, giving me attitude and doing exactly the opposite of what I ask for? I am reminded only of how we act towards God. Which is why he refers to us as children all the time. 
Much sweeter when he’s asleep
Because I do not like complainers and I certainly do not want to become one myself, I always try to remind myself of the good stuff about a given situation…or in this case, little person. We tell him all the time that he’s lucky he’s so cute. So today I give you ten reasons I am keeping him around. Starting with the obvious. 
1. He’s cute. I know I’m partial, but really…he’s got the most adorable gap-toothed smile you’ll ever see. My grandfather comments on it all the time, Alex definitely has him charmed. 
2. He breaks out into song spontaneously. Sometimes it’s Chris Tomlin’s Our God, sometimes it’s a made up melody with nonsensical lyrics. 
3. He still fits into my lap. His big brother does not, really. Though he is often on the move, sometimes he will still come and crawl up into my lap with a big hug. 
4. He doesn’t do risky things that cause injury. Usually. So far no trips to the ER for broken bones or stitches. 
5. But he’s all boy, tackling and wrestling with his dad and brother and loving to dig in the dirt with his trucks. 
6. He learns and remembers Bible verses in church. He can tell them to me later. My older one has never done this. 
Helping make cookies
7. He asks to say the blessing at dinner most nights, and freely prays to Jesus when he’s sorry for misbehaving after a time out. Sometimes the dinner blessing involves thanking God for the cookies he’s gonna get if he tries a new food.  
8. He usually plays well with his big brother, usually shares his toys, and often goes along with what Nathan wants to do. Not always, but more than most siblings I’ve heard about.
9. His best friend at school is a girl named Bella, and I’ve never gotten a bad report about him from school. His teachers all love him. 
10. He is very affectionate, free with hugs and kisses for all family members. And lately he has learned the power of the random “I love you, Mommy.” How can I get mad at him when he says that?
So today is officially brag on your kids day, because while I feel like venting, that’s not usually very helpful. Feel free to share your favorite thing about your kids in the comments! 
Top Ten {Tuesday}

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

11 thoughts on “Ten Reasons I Haven’t Yet Packed Up My Preschooler and Shipped Him to His Grandparents”

  1. This is one of the sweetest posts I’ve read in a long time. Isn’t it wonderful to sit and think about the joy our children bring us? Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is one of the sweetest posts I’ve read in a long time. Isn’t it wonderful to sit and think about the joy our children bring us? Thanks for sharing!

  3. A exhibits much of the same 3 year-old behavior. But, she’s witty and smart and cute which makes the other behavior bearable. I’m learning how to deal with her during her particularly difficult times as well.

  4. A exhibits much of the same 3 year-old behavior. But, she’s witty and smart and cute which makes the other behavior bearable. I’m learning how to deal with her during her particularly difficult times as well.

  5. A exhibits much of the same 3 year-old behavior. But, she’s witty and smart and cute which makes the other behavior bearable. I’m learning how to deal with her during her particularly difficult times as well.

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