
Thanksgiving is a nice time of year that people gather together with loved ones and sometimes they may stop and reflect on the good things in their lives. This year our Thanksgiving will be very low key, since most of our family is far flung. My grandparents will come over for dinner, but they do that every week. I don’t take it for granted though, because they are 90 and 91 and we don’t know how many more Thanksgivings they will celebrate.

In fact, tomorrow is not promised for any of us. I learned that the hard way when my dad suddenly dropped dead one day at age 49. Since then I have had an impending sense of mortality, my own, my husband’s, even that of my kids. I don’t live in fear or anxiety though, because I have no fear of death…mine or that of my loved ones. Instead I live with a perpetual sense of gratitude, thankful for another day and another year that I get to spend with the amazing people God has blessed me with in my life. Sure, there are plenty of moments that I feel ungrateful and selfish, but I am Β blessed with great joy and thankfulness most of the time.


So here are just ten things I’m thankful for right now.

1. Coffee. It can taste magnificent, smell even better, and the way it sharpens my thinking in the morning is amazing. Not to mention that it has no calories or fat!

2. DVR. Not so much for me, because I am less and less interested in TV these days. How else could I satisfy my child’s endless cries for the Dora Christmas Special at the same time giving me peace and quiet to write this post?

3. Jeans. Denim is the most incredible invention ever, in my opinion. A great pair of blue jeans can make nearly anyone look ten times better.

4. Advil. Really do I need to elaborate on this?

5. Zyrtec – D. When I remember to take it every morning, I can live allergy free. It is a miracle drug for me.

6. Little boys. Having a gaggle of little girls in my house last night reminded me of the pitch difference between excited girls and boys. My ears are glad to have boys.

7. Purple. My favorite color. The color of royalty. The color of pink and blue combined, as I’ve learned in my Love and Respect class about marriage.

Top Ten {Tuesday}8. Humidity. It is over 80 degrees and nearly 100% humidity today. We complain about it, but it keeps my skin from getting all dry and wrinkly.

9. Sidewalks. I love being able to walk both my kids to their schools safely. I’ve never lived in a community so connected by sidewalks, and it is a wonderful thing.

10. Pumpkins. One of the few natural reminders of autumn we can get here in Texas. Oh, and I like my fake fall leaves too πŸ™‚

So what are you thankful for right now, today?

Author: Sarah

Mom of three. Triathlete.

36 thoughts on “Gratitude”

  1. I’m thankful that my kids meet the challenges of school with gusto, that my husband does so much for our family (backyard chickens, garden, landscape flowers, fixing my flat tire and all manner of things that need fixing!), and that I’m not traveling this holiday. I love quiet down time with my family mixed with the occasional laughing evening with neighbor friends.

  2. I’m thankful that my kids meet the challenges of school with gusto, that my husband does so much for our family (backyard chickens, garden, landscape flowers, fixing my flat tire and all manner of things that need fixing!), and that I’m not traveling this holiday. I love quiet down time with my family mixed with the occasional laughing evening with neighbor friends.

  3. I’m thankful that my kids meet the challenges of school with gusto, that my husband does so much for our family (backyard chickens, garden, landscape flowers, fixing my flat tire and all manner of things that need fixing!), and that I’m not traveling this holiday. I love quiet down time with my family mixed with the occasional laughing evening with neighbor friends.

  4. I’m thankful that my kids meet the challenges of school with gusto, that my husband does so much for our family (backyard chickens, garden, landscape flowers, fixing my flat tire and all manner of things that need fixing!), and that I’m not traveling this holiday. I love quiet down time with my family mixed with the occasional laughing evening with neighbor friends.

  5. So nice to meet you! I’ve come through Seeds of Faith Women. I’m thankful that I still have my parents with me. My dad is 83 and mom is nearing 80. He was recently diagnosed with 15 brain tumors, which makes me all the more thankful that he is with us today. God has given us more time, and I’m using it to love him to pieces.

    And on another note, I hear you on the DVR! Yay!!!

  6. So nice to meet you! I’ve come through Seeds of Faith Women. I’m thankful that I still have my parents with me. My dad is 83 and mom is nearing 80. He was recently diagnosed with 15 brain tumors, which makes me all the more thankful that he is with us today. God has given us more time, and I’m using it to love him to pieces.

    And on another note, I hear you on the DVR! Yay!!!

  7. So nice to meet you! I’ve come through Seeds of Faith Women. I’m thankful that I still have my parents with me. My dad is 83 and mom is nearing 80. He was recently diagnosed with 15 brain tumors, which makes me all the more thankful that he is with us today. God has given us more time, and I’m using it to love him to pieces.

    And on another note, I hear you on the DVR! Yay!!!

  8. So nice to meet you! I’ve come through Seeds of Faith Women. I’m thankful that I still have my parents with me. My dad is 83 and mom is nearing 80. He was recently diagnosed with 15 brain tumors, which makes me all the more thankful that he is with us today. God has given us more time, and I’m using it to love him to pieces.

    And on another note, I hear you on the DVR! Yay!!!

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