10 Reasons to Eat Healthier

Red Tomatoes!Last week I posted about how I bought a new scale and it kick started my plan to really eat healthier and lose a few pounds. Mostly I whined about how hard it is to make healthy choices and cut my calorie intake dramatically when I’ve been indulging for so long. So while I sat at Chili’s waiting for my boring Guiltless Grill chicken sandwich and broccoli to arrive, I decided to make a list of motivating reasons to keep making good choices.

1. The new scale clued me in that I’m officially outside the recommended zone for BMI. I had no idea. Gotta fix that.

2. I have half a very large closet full of clothing that doesn’t fit me. Some used to. Some was wishful thinking. It’s time to expand my wardrobe without spending money.

3. Dropping pounds will help me run faster. Duh.

4. I’d be much more inclined to go back to vlogging and doing more “What I Wore” posts.

5. I’m a high genetic risk for heart disease. My dad died of heart failure at 49. I take that very seriously.

6. Eating healthier will even out the sugar fueled extreme highs and lows I feel sometimes.

7. I really do want to model healthy eating for my extremely picky, carbaholic kids.

8. It’s a fact that eating healthier means less dining out, especially on fast food. That will automatically save me money. It’s obscene how much I spent at McDonalds last year.

Top Ten {Tuesday}9. Perhaps I will learn to be a better cook! Cooking at home more should make this happen, but looking to add flavor to good foods will also help.

10. I will feel less guilty around my extremely health food conscious friends like JoLynne and Kristi from Babyfoodsteps. I know they don’t mean to make me feel that way, but it can’t be helped.

So I think this is a great list that I will keep handy when I’m tempted to give up and revert to my lazy, indulgent way of eating. I’m down four pounds anyway and I already feel much better.

This post is linked up at OhAmanda’s Top Ten  Tuesday…check it out!

Pushing Through the Discomfort

We spend so much of our lives trying to avoid pain. After all our founding documents give us the freedom in the “pursuit of happiness”. Isn’t trying to find happiness what life is all about?


Not even close. 

I feel like a broken record on this here blog when I say that building our character is more important than being happy, and the place that most of that growth happens is in areas of major discomfort and struggle. It seems counter-intuitive to human nature but I believe in seeking out opportunities to face our fears and meet them head on. Lean into the discomfort a little.

So this brings me back to this week, when I finally bought a new scale to replace the one that hasn’t been working for months. I knew I hadn’t been eaten healthfully and I knew my close didn’t fit the same but I hadn’t actually weighed myself since well before my broken foot sidelined my workout routine. Stepping on the scale yesterday was the kick in the butt I needed to do more than just run. I knew I had to change the way I eat.

Now I am not really an over-eater, but I have a massive sweet tooth. I like good, buttery, sweet, fattening foods. I also really like beer, wine and margaritas. I’m addicted to convenient, processed food.

However I have been through Weight Watchers years ago and I know what it takes. So I measured out the right portion of cheerios, peeled that orange and avoided all the crackers and cheese in my house. By dinner I was really hungry and craving my comfort food. We went to Chilis because it was kids eat free night and I stared at the menu.

Normally I would order a margarita and a grilled chicken sandwich. The one with cheese and bacon on it. Or a burger. Or worse, the honey chipotle chicken strips. It really isn’t fair the way they put those macro photos of juicy bacon and cheese and burger all over the menu. 

I kept remembering what the scale said that morning, visualizing it. I really wanted some fries. I tweeted about how uncomfortable this whole thing was and how I needed encouragement. Twitter came through, I ordered the guiltless version of the grilled chicken sandwich and wrote a list of motivations while I waited.

The truth is it tasted pretty good. But the night was far from over, because after we got home and put the kids to bed I just wanted chocolate in the worst way. I grumbled and complained and was generally cranky, but I didn’t eat any of the leftover candy bars or cookies or anything else for that matter.

I pushed through the discomfort and went to bed with my stomach rumbling.

This morning the scale read 2.5 lbs less. I know that’s kind of a fluke thing since I’m just getting started, and I know one day is not much on this long journey, but that’s enough to keep me motivated for today.